Meaning Active Conservation Storage
What does Active Conservation Storage mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Active Conservation Storage. You can also add a definition of Active Conservation Storage yourself


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Active Conservation Storage

In hydrologic terms, the portion of water stored in a reservoir that can be released for all useful purposes such as municipal water supply, power, irrigation, recreation, fish, wildlife, etc. Conserv [..]


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Active Conservation Storage

The portion of water stored in a reservoir that can be released for all useful purposes such as municipal water supply, power, irrigation, recreation, fish, wildlife, etc. Conservation storage is the volume of water stored between the inactive pool elevation and flood control stage.
Source: (offline)


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Active Conservation Storage

In hydrologic terms, the portion of water stored in a reservoir that can be released for all useful purposes such as municipal water supply, power, irrigation, recreation, fish, wildlife, etc. Conservation storage is the volume of water stored between the inactive pool elevation and flood control stage.
Source: (offline)


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Active Conservation Storage

In hydrologic terms, the portion of water stored in a reservoir that can be released for all useful purposes such as municipal water supply, power, irrigation, recreation, fish, wildlife, etc. Conserv [..]

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